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Te var redzēt un, ja paveicas, arī noklausīties dziesmas, kuras ir skanējušas pieci.lv ēterā. Lampiņa () nozīmē, ka dziesma iepriekš ēterā nav skanējusi, cipariņš (200x) nozīmē, cik reizes dziesma ir atskaņota ēterā, sirsniņa () dod iespēju pieglabāt sev tīkošās dziesmas, ja esi ielogojies ar Facebook.

Izpildītājs "The Black Keys"

Laiks Dziesma
20.02.2025., ceturtdiena
12:02 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (226x) 3:13
12.02.2025., trešdiena
10:16 The Black Keys - The Night Before (3x) 2:34
11.02.2025., otrdiena
15:54 The Black Keys - The Night Before (2x) 2:34
10.02.2025., pirmdiena
14:20 The Black Keys - The Night Before 2:34
06.02.2025., ceturtdiena
05:37 The Black Keys - Eagle Birds (33x) 2:40
27.01.2025., pirmdiena
12:03 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (225x) 3:13
20.01.2025., pirmdiena
13:29 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (67x) 3:44
16.01.2025., ceturtdiena
15:04 The Black Keys - Lo/Hi 2:57
11.01.2025., sestdiena
18:11 The Black Keys - This Is Nowhere (33x) 3:41
03.01.2025., piektdiena
14:07 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (66x) 3:44
29.12.2024., svētdiena
09:21 The Black Keys - I Forgot To Be Your Lover (2x) 2:25
27.12.2024., piektdiena
08:26 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (65x) 3:44
10.12.2024., otrdiena
15:22 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (64x) 3:44
26.10.2024., sestdiena
07:08 The Black Keys - On The Game (31x) 4:01
07.10.2024., pirmdiena
10:17 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (224x) 3:13
02:48 The Black Keys - This Is Nowhere (32x) 3:41
25.09.2024., trešdiena
08:07 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (63x) 3:44
20.09.2024., piektdiena
14:34 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (62x) 3:44
09.09.2024., pirmdiena
13:24 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (223x) 3:13
04.09.2024., trešdiena
03:00 The Black Keys - Eagle Birds (32x) 2:40
28.08.2024., trešdiena
18:42 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (222x) 3:13
13.08.2024., otrdiena
13:12 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (61x) 3:44
06.08.2024., otrdiena
15:00 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (60x) 3:44
03.08.2024., sestdiena
06:53 The Black Keys - Eagle Birds (31x) 2:40
30.07.2024., otrdiena
13:11 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (221x) 3:13
23.07.2024., otrdiena
10:29 The Black Keys - Gotta Get Away (111x) 2:53
08:05 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (59x) 3:44
17.07.2024., trešdiena
03:37 The Black Keys - On The Game (30x) 4:01
10.07.2024., trešdiena
10:58 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (220x) 3:13
08.07.2024., pirmdiena
13:57 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (58x) 3:44
25.06.2024., otrdiena
13:03 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (219x) 3:13
11.06.2024., otrdiena
15:11 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (57x) 3:44
05.06.2024., trešdiena
15:29 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (218x) 3:13
03.06.2024., pirmdiena
05:08 The Black Keys - This Is Nowhere (31x) 3:41
26.05.2024., svētdiena
00:56 The Black Keys - Beautiful People (Stay High) (30x) 2:47
20.05.2024., pirmdiena
08:36 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (56x) 3:44
17.05.2024., piektdiena
01:18 The Black Keys - On The Game (29x) 4:01
14.05.2024., otrdiena
04:16 The Black Keys - On The Game (28x) 4:01
12.05.2024., svētdiena
02:29 The Black Keys - On The Game (27x) 4:01
11.05.2024., sestdiena
07:27 The Black Keys - On The Game (26x) 4:01
09.05.2024., ceturtdiena
22:43 The Black Keys - On The Game (25x) 4:01
05:27 The Black Keys - On The Game (24x) 4:01
08.05.2024., trešdiena
03:09 The Black Keys - Eagle Birds (30x) 2:40
07.05.2024., otrdiena
00:46 The Black Keys - On The Game (23x) 4:01
06.05.2024., pirmdiena
12:13 The Black Keys - On The Game (22x) 4:01
03.05.2024., piektdiena
05:29 The Black Keys - On The Game (21x) 4:01
02.05.2024., ceturtdiena
01:03 The Black Keys - On The Game (20x) 4:01
01.05.2024., trešdiena
14:02 The Black Keys - On The Game (19x) 4:01
28.04.2024., svētdiena
22:56 The Black Keys - On The Game (18x) 4:01
03:45 The Black Keys - On The Game (17x) 4:01
26.04.2024., piektdiena
05:00 The Black Keys - On The Game (16x) 4:01
25.04.2024., ceturtdiena
00:21 The Black Keys - On The Game (15x) 4:01
23.04.2024., otrdiena
01:47 The Black Keys - On The Game (14x) 4:01
21.04.2024., svētdiena
23:34 The Black Keys - On The Game (13x) 4:01
13:13 The Black Keys - On The Game (12x) 4:01
03:44 The Black Keys - On The Game (11x) 4:01
20.04.2024., sestdiena
15:21 The Black Keys - On The Game (10x) 4:01
08:12 The Black Keys - On The Game (9x) 4:01
19.04.2024., piektdiena
00:15 The Black Keys - On The Game (8x) 4:01
18.04.2024., ceturtdiena
10:08 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (55x) 3:44
16.04.2024., otrdiena
00:15 The Black Keys - On The Game (7x) 4:01
15.04.2024., pirmdiena
14:21 The Black Keys - On The Game (6x) 4:01
14.04.2024., svētdiena
22:46 The Black Keys - On The Game (5x) 4:01
13:29 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (217x) 3:13
13:22 The Black Keys - The Lengths 4:47
13:20 The Black Keys - Beautiful People (Stay High) (29x) 2:47
03:14 The Black Keys - On The Game (4x) 4:01
13.04.2024., sestdiena
16:01 The Black Keys - On The Game (3x) 4:01
00:04 The Black Keys - On The Game (2x) 4:01
10.04.2024., trešdiena
02:45 The Black Keys - On The Game 4:01
07.04.2024., svētdiena
17:26 The Black Keys - I Forgot To Be Your Lover 2:25
05.04.2024., piektdiena
07:06 The Black Keys - This Is Nowhere (30x) 3:41
04.04.2024., ceturtdiena
15:05 The Black Keys - This Is Nowhere (29x) 3:41
05:10 The Black Keys - This Is Nowhere (28x) 3:41
03.04.2024., trešdiena
08:21 The Black Keys - This Is Nowhere (27x) 3:41
02.04.2024., otrdiena
04:01 The Black Keys - This Is Nowhere (26x) 3:41
01.04.2024., pirmdiena
14:42 The Black Keys - This Is Nowhere (25x) 3:41
06:14 The Black Keys - This Is Nowhere (24x) 3:41
31.03.2024., svētdiena
16:29 The Black Keys - This Is Nowhere (23x) 3:41
30.03.2024., sestdiena
00:41 The Black Keys - This Is Nowhere (22x) 3:41
29.03.2024., piektdiena
12:14 The Black Keys - This Is Nowhere (21x) 3:41
28.03.2024., ceturtdiena
22:40 The Black Keys - This Is Nowhere (20x) 3:41
18:32 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (54x) 3:44
10:02 The Black Keys - This Is Nowhere (19x) 3:41
27.03.2024., trešdiena
02:28 The Black Keys - This Is Nowhere (18x) 3:41
26.03.2024., otrdiena
07:42 The Black Keys - This Is Nowhere (17x) 3:41
25.03.2024., pirmdiena
12:43 The Black Keys - This Is Nowhere (16x) 3:41
01:43 The Black Keys - This Is Nowhere (15x) 3:41
23.03.2024., sestdiena
08:51 The Black Keys - This Is Nowhere (14x) 3:41
22.03.2024., piektdiena
06:24 The Black Keys - This Is Nowhere (13x) 3:41
21.03.2024., ceturtdiena
11:48 The Black Keys - This Is Nowhere (12x) 3:41
02:23 The Black Keys - This Is Nowhere (11x) 3:41
20.03.2024., trešdiena
10:27 The Black Keys - This Is Nowhere (10x) 3:41
19.03.2024., otrdiena
20:09 The Black Keys - This Is Nowhere (9x) 3:41
18.03.2024., pirmdiena
04:43 The Black Keys - This Is Nowhere (8x) 3:41
17.03.2024., svētdiena
12:51 The Black Keys - This Is Nowhere (7x) 3:41
16.03.2024., sestdiena
02:01 The Black Keys - This Is Nowhere (6x) 3:41
15.03.2024., piektdiena
08:21 The Black Keys - This Is Nowhere (5x) 3:41
14.03.2024., ceturtdiena
06:39 The Black Keys - This Is Nowhere (4x) 3:41
13.03.2024., trešdiena
03:40 The Black Keys - This Is Nowhere (3x) 3:41
10.03.2024., svētdiena
08:19 The Black Keys - This Is Nowhere (2x) 3:41
09.03.2024., sestdiena
01:29 The Black Keys - This Is Nowhere 3:41
06.03.2024., trešdiena
18:16 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (216x) 3:13
27.02.2024., otrdiena
15:33 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (53x) 3:44
19.02.2024., pirmdiena
07:08 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (52x) 3:44
13.02.2024., otrdiena
14:53 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (215x) 3:13
10.02.2024., sestdiena
07:10 The Black Keys - Eagle Birds (29x) 2:40
02.02.2024., piektdiena
07:43 The Black Keys - Beautiful People (Stay High) (28x) 2:47
01.02.2024., ceturtdiena
05:09 The Black Keys - Beautiful People (Stay High) (27x) 2:47
31.01.2024., trešdiena
12:12 The Black Keys - Beautiful People (Stay High) (26x) 2:47
30.01.2024., otrdiena
16:22 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (51x) 3:44
04:27 The Black Keys - Beautiful People (Stay High) (25x) 2:47
29.01.2024., pirmdiena
08:25 The Black Keys - Beautiful People (Stay High) (24x) 2:47
28.01.2024., svētdiena
12:51 The Black Keys - Beautiful People (Stay High) (23x) 2:47
03:57 The Black Keys - Beautiful People (Stay High) (22x) 2:47
27.01.2024., sestdiena
15:29 The Black Keys - Beautiful People (Stay High) (21x) 2:47
07:19 The Black Keys - Beautiful People (Stay High) (20x) 2:47
25.01.2024., ceturtdiena
23:17 The Black Keys - Beautiful People (Stay High) (19x) 2:47
03:32 The Black Keys - Beautiful People (Stay High) (18x) 2:47
24.01.2024., trešdiena
15:56 The Black Keys - Beautiful People (Stay High) (17x) 2:47
06:49 The Black Keys - Beautiful People (Stay High) (16x) 2:47
23.01.2024., otrdiena
18:00 The Black Keys - Beautiful People (Stay High) (15x) 2:47
13:43 The Black Keys - Beautiful People (Stay High) (14x) 2:47
02:42 The Black Keys - Beautiful People (Stay High) (13x) 2:47
21.01.2024., svētdiena
22:44 The Black Keys - Beautiful People (Stay High) (12x) 2:47
09:51 The Black Keys - Beautiful People (Stay High) (11x) 2:47
20.01.2024., sestdiena
05:10 The Black Keys - Beautiful People (Stay High) (10x) 2:47
19.01.2024., piektdiena
11:56 The Black Keys - Beautiful People (Stay High) (9x) 2:47
18.01.2024., ceturtdiena
10:17 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (214x) 3:13
01:12 The Black Keys - Beautiful People (Stay High) (8x) 2:47
17.01.2024., trešdiena
06:50 The Black Keys - Beautiful People (Stay High) (7x) 2:47
16.01.2024., otrdiena
17:59 The Black Keys - Beautiful People (Stay High) (6x) 2:47
00:55 The Black Keys - Beautiful People (Stay High) (5x) 2:47
15.01.2024., pirmdiena
12:27 The Black Keys - Beautiful People (Stay High) (4x) 2:47
14.01.2024., svētdiena
22:27 The Black Keys - Beautiful People (Stay High) (3x) 2:47
13.01.2024., sestdiena
03:11 The Black Keys - Beautiful People (Stay High) (2x) 2:47
12.01.2024., piektdiena
16:24 The Black Keys - Beautiful People (Stay High) 2:47
11.01.2024., ceturtdiena
13:43 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (50x) 3:44
08.01.2024., pirmdiena
07:26 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (213x) 3:13
02.01.2024., otrdiena
10:39 The Black Keys - For the Love of Money 3:21
20.12.2023., trešdiena
22:35 The Black Keys - Little Black Submarines (12x) 4:11
12.12.2023., otrdiena
06:43 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (49x) 3:44
05.12.2023., otrdiena
10:08 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (48x) 3:44
28.11.2023., otrdiena
17:57 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (47x) 3:44
23.11.2023., ceturtdiena
13:17 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (212x) 3:13
20.11.2023., pirmdiena
06:25 The Black Keys - Eagle Birds (28x) 2:40
07.11.2023., otrdiena
12:31 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (46x) 3:44
27.10.2023., piektdiena
10:34 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (211x) 3:13
23.10.2023., pirmdiena
16:36 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (210x) 3:13
20.10.2023., piektdiena
08:15 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (45x) 3:44
19.10.2023., ceturtdiena
10:34 The Black Keys - Get Yourself Together 3:52
11.10.2023., trešdiena
11:58 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (44x) 3:44
02.10.2023., pirmdiena
10:09 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (209x) 3:13
24.09.2023., svētdiena
08:47 The Black Keys - Eagle Birds (27x) 2:40
19.09.2023., otrdiena
11:28 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (43x) 3:44
14.09.2023., ceturtdiena
18:15 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (208x) 3:13
12.09.2023., otrdiena
06:28 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (42x) 3:44
06.09.2023., trešdiena
10:41 The Black Keys - Little Black Submarines (11x) 4:11
25.08.2023., piektdiena
15:32 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (207x) 3:13
11:36 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (41x) 3:44
09.07.2023., svētdiena
07:40 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (40x) 3:44
02.07.2023., svētdiena
12:16 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (206x) 3:13
27.06.2023., otrdiena
14:30 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (39x) 3:44
24.06.2023., sestdiena
21:32 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (205x) 3:13
20.06.2023., otrdiena
14:48 The Black Keys - Eagle Birds (26x) 2:40
14.06.2023., trešdiena
15:24 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (38x) 3:44
07.06.2023., trešdiena
14:50 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (204x) 3:13
04.06.2023., svētdiena
06:16 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (37x) 3:44
28.05.2023., svētdiena
18:10 The Black Keys - Eagle Birds (25x) 2:40
25.05.2023., ceturtdiena
11:46 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (203x) 3:13
20.05.2023., sestdiena
10:48 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (36x) 3:44
17.05.2023., trešdiena
22:40 The Black Keys - Wild Child (4x)
05:08 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (202x) 3:13
05.05.2023., piektdiena
08:18 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (35x) 3:44
30.04.2023., svētdiena
13:40 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (201x) 3:13
28.04.2023., piektdiena
09:08 The Black Keys - Fever (116x) 4:06
22.04.2023., sestdiena
12:49 The Black Keys - Eagle Birds (24x) 2:40
18.04.2023., otrdiena
06:45 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (200x) 3:13
10.04.2023., pirmdiena
09:14 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (34x) 3:44
08.04.2023., sestdiena
09:07 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (199x) 3:13
07.04.2023., piektdiena
21:26 The Black Keys - Eagle Birds (23x) 2:40
26.03.2023., svētdiena
06:15 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (198x) 3:13
17.03.2023., piektdiena
16:30 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (33x) 3:44
12.03.2023., svētdiena
11:40 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (197x) 3:13
11.03.2023., sestdiena
09:13 The Black Keys - Eagle Birds (22x) 2:40
06.03.2023., pirmdiena
13:08 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (196x) 3:13
24.02.2023., piektdiena
12:34 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (32x) 3:44
17.02.2023., piektdiena
14:14 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (195x) 3:13
04.04.2022., pirmdiena
13:24 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (31x) 3:44
23.03.2022., trešdiena
11:20 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (194x) 3:13
16.03.2022., trešdiena
16:49 The Black Keys - Wild Child (3x)
14.03.2022., pirmdiena
11:49 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (30x) 3:44
12.03.2022., sestdiena
21:21 The Black Keys - Wild Child (2x)
11.03.2022., piektdiena
11:44 The Black Keys - Wild Child
04.03.2022., piektdiena
13:48 The Black Keys - Eagle Birds (21x) 2:40
23.02.2022., trešdiena
21:55 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (29x) 3:44
22.02.2022., otrdiena
16:16 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (193x) 3:13
09.02.2022., trešdiena
23:21 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (28x) 3:44
03.02.2022., ceturtdiena
14:47 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (192x) 3:13
11:43 The Black Keys - Little Black Submarines (10x) 4:11
29.01.2022., sestdiena
06:29 The Black Keys - Eagle Birds (20x) 2:40
12.01.2022., trešdiena
21:52 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (191x) 3:13
04.01.2022., otrdiena
14:06 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (27x) 3:44
13.12.2021., pirmdiena
17:42 The Black Keys - Fever (115x) 4:06
12.12.2021., svētdiena
21:45 The Black Keys - Eagle Birds (19x) 2:40
04.12.2021., sestdiena
06:44 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (190x) 3:13
03.12.2021., piektdiena
10:12 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (189x) 3:13
20.11.2021., sestdiena
07:18 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (26x) 3:44
13.09.2021., pirmdiena
15:13 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (25x) 3:44
08.09.2021., trešdiena
09:09 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (188x) 3:13
06.09.2021., pirmdiena
13:24 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (187x) 3:13
30.08.2021., pirmdiena
21:58 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (24x) 3:44
20.08.2021., piektdiena
17:23 The Black Keys - Eagle Birds (18x) 2:40
03.08.2021., otrdiena
23:07 The Black Keys - Eagle Birds (17x) 2:40
29.07.2021., ceturtdiena
09:11 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (186x) 3:13
26.07.2021., pirmdiena
12:18 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (23x) 3:44
20.07.2021., otrdiena
18:19 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (22x) 3:44
10.07.2021., sestdiena
17:49 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (185x) 3:13
03.07.2021., sestdiena
13:26 The Black Keys - Eagle Birds (16x) 2:40
02.07.2021., piektdiena
18:54 The Black Keys - Eagle Birds (15x) 2:40
17.06.2021., ceturtdiena
20:26 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (184x) 3:13
14.06.2021., pirmdiena
12:24 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (21x) 3:44
10.06.2021., ceturtdiena
00:38 The Black Keys - Eagle Birds (14x) 2:40
25.05.2021., otrdiena
18:44 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (20x) 3:44
17.05.2021., pirmdiena
21:08 The Black Keys - Crawling Kingsnake 3:52
19:53 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (183x) 3:13
10.05.2021., pirmdiena
09:15 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (19x) 3:44
02.05.2021., svētdiena
15:22 The Black Keys - Eagle Birds (13x) 2:40
24.04.2021., sestdiena
07:28 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (18x) 3:44
15.04.2021., ceturtdiena
13:40 The Black Keys - MONEY MAKER 2:57
13.04.2021., otrdiena
23:39 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (182x) 3:13
05.04.2021., pirmdiena
22:42 The Black Keys - Eagle Birds (12x) 2:40
31.03.2021., trešdiena
13:05 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (17x) 3:44
24.03.2021., trešdiena
09:12 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (181x) 3:13
21.03.2021., svētdiena
23:38 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (16x) 3:44
13.03.2021., sestdiena
17:36 The Black Keys - Eagle Birds (11x) 2:40
07.03.2021., svētdiena
13:00 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (180x) 3:13
03.03.2021., trešdiena
18:18 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (15x) 3:44
26.02.2021., piektdiena
09:14 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (14x) 3:44
18.02.2021., ceturtdiena
11:19 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (13x) 3:44
07.02.2021., svētdiena
07:49 The Black Keys - Eagle Birds (10x) 2:40
25.01.2021., pirmdiena
10:31 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (12x) 3:44
18.01.2021., pirmdiena
09:13 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (179x) 3:13
16.01.2021., sestdiena
17:35 The Black Keys - Eagle Birds (9x) 2:40
12.01.2021., otrdiena
11:32 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (11x) 3:44
05.01.2021., otrdiena
15:42 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (178x) 3:13
31.12.2020., ceturtdiena
05:56 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (10x) 3:44
20.12.2020., svētdiena
12:33 dod5-2020 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (177x) 3:13
18.12.2020., piektdiena
17:21 dod5-2020 The Black Keys - Little Black Submarines (9x) 4:11
13.12.2020., svētdiena
22:39 The Black Keys - Eagle Birds (8x) 2:40
08.12.2020., otrdiena
09:15 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (176x) 3:13
25.11.2020., trešdiena
16:33 The Black Keys - Eagle Birds (7x) 2:40
24.11.2020., otrdiena
09:13 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (175x) 3:13
15.11.2020., svētdiena
10:57 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (9x) 3:44
10.11.2020., otrdiena
21:57 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (174x) 3:13
31.10.2020., sestdiena
23:54 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (8x) 3:44
22.10.2020., ceturtdiena
16:34 The Black Keys - Eagle Birds (6x) 2:40
19.10.2020., pirmdiena
11:15 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (173x) 3:13
16.10.2020., piektdiena
12:52 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (7x) 3:44
02.10.2020., piektdiena
21:25 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (172x) 3:13
23.09.2020., trešdiena
19:42 The Black Keys - Eagle Birds (5x) 2:40
08.09.2020., otrdiena
09:13 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (171x) 3:13
01.09.2020., otrdiena
21:09 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (170x) 3:13
26.08.2020., trešdiena
16:26 The Black Keys - Little Black Submarines (8x) 4:11
16:22 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (169x) 3:13
09:14 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (168x) 3:13
18.08.2020., otrdiena
18:54 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (167x) 3:13
03.08.2020., pirmdiena
13:42 The Black Keys - Eagle Birds (4x) 2:40
28.07.2020., otrdiena
05:36 The Black Keys - Eagle Birds (3x) 2:40
27.07.2020., pirmdiena
05:33 The Black Keys - Eagle Birds (2x) 2:40
20.06.2020., sestdiena
19:44 The Black Keys - Little Black Submarines (7x) 4:11
19.06.2020., piektdiena
11:11 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (6x) 3:44
10.06.2020., trešdiena
16:38 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (166x) 3:13
16:34 The Black Keys - Everlasting Light (9x) 4:03
16:30 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (5x) 3:44
04.06.2020., ceturtdiena
18:34 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (165x) 3:13
03.06.2020., trešdiena
18:50 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (164x) 3:13
26.05.2020., otrdiena
09:14 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (163x) 3:13
30.04.2020., ceturtdiena
09:13 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (162x) 3:13
22.04.2020., trešdiena
12:22 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (161x) 3:13
06.04.2020., pirmdiena
10:12 The Black Keys - TIGHTEN UP (2x) 3:31
23.03.2020., pirmdiena
13:37 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (160x) 3:13
11.03.2020., trešdiena
18:53 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (159x) 3:13
06.03.2020., piektdiena
23:53 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (158x) 3:13
31.01.2020., piektdiena
10:12 The Black Keys - TIGHTEN UP 3:31
23.01.2020., ceturtdiena
18:54 The Black Keys - Eagle Birds 2:40
22.01.2020., trešdiena
09:13 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (157x) 3:13
12.01.2020., svētdiena
21:38 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (156x) 3:13
27.12.2019., piektdiena
16:55 The Black Keys - Weight Of Love (62x) 4:28
01.01.2019., otrdiena
12:41 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (155x) 3:13
22.12.2018., sestdiena
07:03 dod5-2018 The Black Keys - Little Black Submarines (6x) 4:11
19.12.2018., trešdiena
18:04 dod5-2018 The Black Keys - Fever (114x) 4:06
10.12.2018., pirmdiena
10:09 The Black Keys - Howlin' For You 3:09
04.12.2018., otrdiena
11:10 The Black Keys - Fever (113x) 4:06
16.11.2018., piektdiena
07:13 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (154x) 3:13
15.11.2018., ceturtdiena
11:05 The Black Keys - Fever (112x) 4:06
02.11.2018., piektdiena
12:10 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (153x) 3:13
23.10.2018., otrdiena
06:49 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (152x) 3:13
11.10.2018., ceturtdiena
14:13 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (151x) 3:13
27.09.2018., ceturtdiena
09:15 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (150x) 3:13
17.09.2018., pirmdiena
10:38 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (149x) 3:13
10.09.2018., pirmdiena
21:46 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (148x) 3:13
22.08.2018., trešdiena
15:09 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (147x) 3:13
12.08.2018., svētdiena
09:09 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (146x) 3:13
01.08.2018., trešdiena
07:54 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (145x) 3:13
22.07.2018., svētdiena
10:11 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (144x) 3:13
14.07.2018., sestdiena
17:54 The Black Keys - Everlasting Light (8x) 4:03
11.07.2018., trešdiena
09:14 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (143x) 3:13
07.07.2018., sestdiena
11:42 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (142x) 3:13
22.06.2018., piektdiena
12:11 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (141x) 3:13
14.05.2018., pirmdiena
11:18 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (140x) 3:13
07.05.2018., pirmdiena
05:55 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (139x) 3:13
11.04.2018., trešdiena
15:30 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (138x) 3:13
29.03.2018., ceturtdiena
09:26 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (4x) 3:44
28.03.2018., trešdiena
22:12 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (137x) 3:13
16.03.2018., piektdiena
09:16 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (136x) 3:13
06.03.2018., otrdiena
02:53 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (135x) 3:13
04.03.2018., svētdiena
19:53 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (134x) 3:13
01.03.2018., ceturtdiena
12:09 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (133x) 3:13
08.02.2018., ceturtdiena
13:08 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (132x) 3:13
27.01.2018., sestdiena
09:38 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (131x) 3:13
20.01.2018., sestdiena
09:14 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (130x) 3:13
28.12.2017., ceturtdiena
07:42 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (129x) 3:13
22.12.2017., piektdiena
17:51 dod5-2017 The Black Keys - Everlasting Light (7x) 4:03
20.12.2017., trešdiena
23:57 dod5-2017 The Black Keys - Little Black Submarines (5x) 4:11
18.12.2017., pirmdiena
23:35 dod5-2017 The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling (3x) 3:44
16.12.2017., sestdiena
09:36 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (128x) 3:13
04.12.2017., pirmdiena
03:57 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (127x) 3:13
02.12.2017., sestdiena
19:06 The Black Keys - Waiting on Words (43x) 3:30
23.11.2017., ceturtdiena
11:22 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (126x) 3:13
15.11.2017., trešdiena
22:04 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (125x) 3:13
06.11.2017., pirmdiena
09:17 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (124x) 3:13
25.10.2017., trešdiena
13:06 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (123x) 3:13
21.10.2017., sestdiena
02:56 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (122x) 3:13
10.10.2017., otrdiena
12:10 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (121x) 3:13
02.10.2017., pirmdiena
09:20 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (120x) 3:13
28.09.2017., ceturtdiena
18:51 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (119x) 3:13
24.09.2017., svētdiena
08:56 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (118x) 3:13
20.09.2017., trešdiena
04:12 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (117x) 3:13
16.09.2017., sestdiena
17:22 The Black Keys - Sister 3:18
13.09.2017., trešdiena
12:23 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (116x) 3:13
11.09.2017., pirmdiena
19:56 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (115x) 3:13
08.09.2017., piektdiena
04:58 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (114x) 3:13
26.08.2017., sestdiena
11:13 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (113x) 3:13
20.08.2017., svētdiena
23:11 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (112x) 3:13
16.08.2017., trešdiena
16:56 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (111x) 3:13
11.08.2017., piektdiena
13:11 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (110x) 3:13
08.08.2017., otrdiena
04:51 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (109x) 3:13
01.08.2017., otrdiena
05:56 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (108x) 3:13
27.07.2017., ceturtdiena
13:26 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (107x) 3:13
23.07.2017., svētdiena
03:39 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (106x) 3:13
18.07.2017., otrdiena
12:24 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (105x) 3:13
10.07.2017., pirmdiena
09:16 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (104x) 3:13
07.07.2017., piektdiena
01:13 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (103x) 3:13
02.07.2017., svētdiena
10:08 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (102x) 3:13
30.06.2017., piektdiena
02:48 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (101x) 3:13
25.06.2017., svētdiena
07:32 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (100x) 3:13
21.06.2017., trešdiena
15:57 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (99x) 3:13
18.06.2017., svētdiena
02:39 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (98x) 3:13
12.06.2017., pirmdiena
11:33 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (97x) 3:13
07.06.2017., trešdiena
04:57 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (96x) 3:13
03.06.2017., sestdiena
19:02 The Black Keys - Too Afraid to Love You (5x) 3:19
28.05.2017., svētdiena
10:32 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (95x) 3:13
22.05.2017., pirmdiena
15:25 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (94x) 3:13
17.05.2017., trešdiena
09:32 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (93x) 3:13
11.05.2017., ceturtdiena
16:11 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (92x) 3:13
07.05.2017., svētdiena
10:23 The Black Keys - Fever (111x) 4:06
03.05.2017., trešdiena
03:13 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (91x) 3:13
22.04.2017., sestdiena
18:02 The Black Keys - Everlasting Light (6x) 4:03
05:17 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (90x) 3:13
21.04.2017., piektdiena
09:12 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (89x) 3:13
14.04.2017., piektdiena
15:36 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (88x) 3:13
09.04.2017., svētdiena
11:50 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (87x) 3:13
07.04.2017., piektdiena
05:06 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (86x) 3:13
02.04.2017., svētdiena
16:41 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (85x) 3:13
28.03.2017., otrdiena
11:56 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (84x) 3:13
24.03.2017., piektdiena
00:11 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (83x) 3:13
18.03.2017., sestdiena
18:19 The Black Keys - Little Black Submarines (4x) 4:11
14.03.2017., otrdiena
09:22 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (82x) 3:13
10.03.2017., piektdiena
18:55 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (81x) 3:13
04.03.2017., sestdiena
14:47 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (80x) 3:13
27.02.2017., pirmdiena
09:19 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (79x) 3:13
24.02.2017., piektdiena
00:40 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (78x) 3:13
20.02.2017., pirmdiena
15:54 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (77x) 3:13
10.02.2017., piektdiena
13:53 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (76x) 3:13
05.02.2017., svētdiena
05:30 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (75x) 3:13
01.02.2017., trešdiena
21:58 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (74x) 3:13
27.01.2017., piektdiena
09:34 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (73x) 3:13
22.01.2017., svētdiena
09:35 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (72x) 3:13
20.01.2017., piektdiena
04:13 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (71x) 3:13
10.01.2017., otrdiena
13:12 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (70x) 3:13
06.01.2017., piektdiena
01:00 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (69x) 3:13
31.12.2016., sestdiena
09:38 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (68x) 3:13
23.12.2016., piektdiena
17:14 The Black Keys - Fever (110x) 4:06
07:27 The Black Keys - Fever (109x) 4:06
03:57 The Black Keys - Little Black Submarines (3x) 4:11
21.12.2016., trešdiena
03:07 dod5-2016 The Black Keys - Weight Of Love (61x) 4:28
16.12.2016., piektdiena
04:01 dod5-2016 The Black Keys - Little Black Submarines (2x) 4:11
01.08.2016., pirmdiena
11:04 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (67x) 3:13
31.07.2016., svētdiena
09:12 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (66x) 3:13
26.07.2016., otrdiena
20:48 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (65x) 3:13
23.07.2016., sestdiena
02:12 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (64x) 3:13
01.07.2016., piektdiena
13:10 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (63x) 3:13
09:18 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (62x) 3:13
26.06.2016., svētdiena
23:13 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (61x) 3:13
16.06.2016., ceturtdiena
01:33 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (60x) 3:13
10.06.2016., piektdiena
06:32 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (59x) 3:13
01.06.2016., trešdiena
23:46 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (58x) 3:13
30.05.2016., pirmdiena
04:31 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (57x) 3:13
24.05.2016., otrdiena
23:21 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (56x) 3:13
12.05.2016., ceturtdiena
02:39 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (55x) 3:13
06.05.2016., piektdiena
09:38 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (54x) 3:13
02.05.2016., pirmdiena
14:56 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (53x) 3:13
28.04.2016., ceturtdiena
23:39 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (52x) 3:13
11.04.2016., pirmdiena
06:56 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (51x) 3:13
29.03.2016., otrdiena
15:21 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (50x) 3:13
25.03.2016., piektdiena
22:42 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (49x) 3:13
12.03.2016., sestdiena
06:25 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (48x) 3:13
07.03.2016., pirmdiena
12:29 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (47x) 3:13
04.03.2016., piektdiena
01:12 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (46x) 3:13
29.02.2016., pirmdiena
10:15 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (45x) 3:13
26.02.2016., piektdiena
18:51 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (44x) 3:13
20.02.2016., sestdiena
01:41 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (43x) 3:13
15.02.2016., pirmdiena
14:41 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (42x) 3:13
12.02.2016., piektdiena
21:56 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (41x) 3:13
29.01.2016., piektdiena
12:28 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (40x) 3:13
24.01.2016., svētdiena
06:58 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (39x) 3:13
13.01.2016., trešdiena
02:58 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (38x) 3:13
05.01.2016., otrdiena
20:10 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (37x) 3:13
01.01.2016., piektdiena
19:23 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (36x) 3:13
20.12.2015., svētdiena
22:59 dod5-2015 The Black Keys - Little Black Submarines 4:11
15.11.2015., svētdiena
00:24 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (35x) 3:13
03.11.2015., otrdiena
22:53 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (34x) 3:13
23.10.2015., piektdiena
16:26 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (33x) 3:13
28.09.2015., pirmdiena
13:37 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (32x) 3:13
17.09.2015., ceturtdiena
17:28 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (31x) 3:13
05.09.2015., sestdiena
02:21 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (30x) 3:13
22.08.2015., sestdiena
13:56 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (29x) 3:13
21.08.2015., piektdiena
12:15 The Black Keys - Gotta Get Away (110x) 2:53
16.08.2015., svētdiena
22:45 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (28x) 3:13
06.08.2015., ceturtdiena
14:57 The Black Keys - Weight Of Love (60x) 4:28
31.07.2015., piektdiena
09:53 The Black Keys - Gotta Get Away (109x) 2:53
24.07.2015., piektdiena
10:57 The Black Keys - Gotta Get Away (108x) 2:53
16.07.2015., ceturtdiena
14:33 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (27x) 3:13
12.07.2015., svētdiena
08:05 The Black Keys - Gotta Get Away (107x) 2:53
03.07.2015., piektdiena
11:47 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (26x) 3:13
29.06.2015., pirmdiena
18:40 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (25x) 3:13
25.06.2015., ceturtdiena
12:26 The Black Keys - Gotta Get Away (106x) 2:53
17.06.2015., trešdiena
12:44 The Black Keys - Fever (108x) 4:06
07.06.2015., svētdiena
11:04 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (24x) 3:13
01.06.2015., pirmdiena
18:24 The Black Keys - Gotta Get Away (105x) 2:53
31.05.2015., svētdiena
13:20 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (23x) 3:13
02:20 The Black Keys - Everlasting Light (5x) 4:03
28.05.2015., ceturtdiena
05:37 The Black Keys - Weight Of Love (59x) 4:28
26.05.2015., otrdiena
15:05 The Black Keys - Little Balck Submarines (3x) 4:08
02:26 The Black Keys - Fever (107x) 4:06
10.05.2015., svētdiena
23:32 The Black Keys - Too Afraid to Love You (4x) 3:19
06.05.2015., trešdiena
18:26 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (22x) 3:13
05.05.2015., otrdiena
21:36 The Black Keys - Fever (106x) 4:06
24.04.2015., piektdiena
06:05 The Black Keys - Gotta Get Away (104x) 2:53
16.04.2015., ceturtdiena
16:57 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (21x) 3:13
11.04.2015., sestdiena
13:27 The Black Keys - Fever (105x) 4:06
10.04.2015., piektdiena
13:41 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (20x) 3:13
06.04.2015., pirmdiena
08:08 The Black Keys - Fever (104x) 4:06
05.04.2015., svētdiena
23:18 The Black Keys - Too Afraid to Love You (3x) 3:19
01.04.2015., trešdiena
12:27 The Black Keys - Weight Of Love (58x) 4:28
24.03.2015., otrdiena
06:35 The Black Keys - Gotta Get Away (103x) 2:53
19.03.2015., ceturtdiena
20:41 The Black Keys - Bullet In The Brain (48x) 4:07
13.03.2015., piektdiena
06:53 The Black Keys - Weight Of Love (57x) 4:28
12.03.2015., ceturtdiena
13:41 The Black Keys - Weight Of Love (56x) 4:28
11.03.2015., trešdiena
16:16 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (19x) 3:13
10.03.2015., otrdiena
20:39 The Black Keys - Weight Of Love (55x) 4:28
08.03.2015., svētdiena
14:34 The Black Keys - Weight Of Love (54x) 4:28
07.03.2015., sestdiena
20:11 The Black Keys - Weight Of Love (53x) 4:28
07:45 The Black Keys - Weight Of Love (52x) 4:28
06.03.2015., piektdiena
16:52 The Black Keys - Weight Of Love (51x) 4:28
05.03.2015., ceturtdiena
12:39 The Black Keys - Gotta Get Away (102x) 2:53
03.03.2015., otrdiena
17:50 The Black Keys - Weight Of Love (50x) 4:28
26.02.2015., ceturtdiena
18:48 The Black Keys - Weight Of Love (49x) 4:28
06:51 The Black Keys - Weight Of Love (48x) 4:28
22.02.2015., svētdiena
11:10 The Black Keys - Weight Of Love (47x) 4:28
21.02.2015., sestdiena
07:14 The Black Keys - Weight Of Love (46x) 4:28
19.02.2015., ceturtdiena
21:01 The Black Keys - Weight Of Love (45x) 4:28
14.02.2015., sestdiena
09:33 The Black Keys - Fever (103x) 4:06
09.02.2015., pirmdiena
03:33 The Black Keys - 10 Lovers (45x) 3:26
00:07 The Black Keys - Bullet In The Brain (47x) 4:07
08.02.2015., svētdiena
10:47 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (18x) 3:13
06.02.2015., piektdiena
04:38 The Black Keys - Year In Review (40x) 3:38
05.02.2015., ceturtdiena
04:02 The Black Keys - In Time (41x) 4:19
04.02.2015., trešdiena
03:14 The Black Keys - In Our Prime (46x) 3:58
03.02.2015., otrdiena
04:07 The Black Keys - Waiting on Words (42x) 3:30
02.02.2015., pirmdiena
03:18 The Black Keys - Weight Of Love (44x) 4:28
00:00 The Black Keys - It's Up To You Now (45x) 3:06
01.02.2015., svētdiena
10:40 The Black Keys - Gotta Get Away (101x) 2:53
30.01.2015., piektdiena
05:58 The Black Keys - Turn Blue (51x) 3:37
03:07 The Black Keys - 10 Lovers (44x) 3:26
28.01.2015., trešdiena
03:08 The Black Keys - Bullet In The Brain (46x) 4:07
27.01.2015., otrdiena
04:09 The Black Keys - Year In Review (39x) 3:38
26.01.2015., pirmdiena
03:17 The Black Keys - In Time (40x) 4:19
00:06 The Black Keys - In Our Prime (45x) 3:58
25.01.2015., svētdiena
10:46 The Black Keys - Fever (102x) 4:06
23.01.2015., piektdiena
03:54 The Black Keys - Waiting on Words (41x) 3:30
22.01.2015., ceturtdiena
22:48 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (17x) 3:13
03:13 The Black Keys - Weight Of Love (43x) 4:28
21.01.2015., trešdiena
04:45 The Black Keys - Turn Blue (50x) 3:37
20.01.2015., otrdiena
04:04 The Black Keys - 10 Lovers (43x) 3:26
19.01.2015., pirmdiena
03:25 The Black Keys - It's Up To You Now (44x) 3:06
00:10 The Black Keys - Bullet In The Brain (45x) 4:07
18.01.2015., svētdiena
09:11 The Black Keys - Gotta Get Away (100x) 2:53
16.01.2015., piektdiena
04:10 The Black Keys - Year In Review (38x) 3:38
15.01.2015., ceturtdiena
03:34 The Black Keys - In Time (39x) 4:19
14.01.2015., trešdiena
05:49 The Black Keys - In Our Prime (44x) 3:58
03:03 The Black Keys - Waiting on Words (40x) 3:30
13.01.2015., otrdiena
03:55 The Black Keys - Weight Of Love (42x) 4:28
12.01.2015., pirmdiena
22:09 The Black Keys - Fever (101x) 4:06
05:49 The Black Keys - Turn Blue (49x) 3:37
00:09 The Black Keys - 10 Lovers (42x) 3:26
11.01.2015., svētdiena
19:41 The Black Keys - Fever (100x) 4:06
09.01.2015., piektdiena
03:53 The Black Keys - It's Up To You Now (43x) 3:06
07.01.2015., trešdiena
03:59 The Black Keys - In Time (38x) 4:19
06.01.2015., otrdiena
06:49 The Black Keys - 10 Lovers (41x) 3:26
04:00 The Black Keys - In Our Prime (43x) 3:58
02:14 The Black Keys - Weight Of Love (41x) 4:28
05.01.2015., pirmdiena
09:49 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (16x) 3:13
05:53 The Black Keys - Turn Blue (48x) 3:37
00:00 The Black Keys - Waiting on Words (39x) 3:30
04.01.2015., svētdiena
05:08 The Black Keys - Fever (99x) 4:06
02.01.2015., piektdiena
16:20 The Black Keys - Gotta Get Away (99x) 2:53
31.12.2014., trešdiena
11:32 The Black Keys - Everlasting Light (4x) 4:03
00:52 The Black Keys - Everlasting Light (3x) 4:03
28.12.2014., svētdiena
19:07 The Black Keys - Too Afraid to Love You (2x) 3:19
06:47 The Black Keys - Everlasting Light (2x) 4:03
27.12.2014., sestdiena
14:09 The Black Keys - Little Balck Submarines (2x) 4:08
22.12.2014., pirmdiena
01:14 dod5-2014 The Black Keys - Everlasting Light 4:03
19.12.2014., piektdiena
11:34 dod5-2014 The Black Keys - Too Afraid to Love You 3:19
18.12.2014., ceturtdiena
11:38 dod5-2014 The Black Keys - Little Balck Submarines 4:08
17.12.2014., trešdiena
02:00 The Black Keys - 10 Lovers (40x) 3:26
16.12.2014., otrdiena
05:27 The Black Keys - It's Up To You Now (42x) 3:06
02:43 The Black Keys - Bullet In The Brain (44x) 4:07
15.12.2014., pirmdiena
17:23 The Black Keys - LONELY BOY (15x) 3:13
09:22 The Black Keys - Fever (98x) 4:06
02:36 The Black Keys - Year In Review (37x) 3:38
00:06 The Black Keys - Weight Of Love (40x) 4:28
12.12.2014., piektdiena
04:17 The Black Keys - In Time (37x) 4:19
02:00 The Black Keys - Waiting on Words (38x) 3:30
11.12.2014., ceturtdiena
05:18 The Black Keys - 10 Lovers (39x) 3:26
10.12.2014., trešdiena
04:57 The Black Keys - It's Up To You Now (41x) 3:06
02:45 The Black Keys - Bullet In The Brain (43x) 4:07
09.12.2014., otrdiena
04:29 The Black Keys - In Our Prime (42x) 3:58
02:00 The Black Keys - Turn Blue (47x) 3:37
08.12.2014., pirmdiena
05:31 The Black Keys - Year In Review (36x) 3:38
00:26 The Black Keys - In Time (36x) 4:19
05.12.2014., piektdiena
04:57 The Black Keys - 10 Lovers (38x) 3:26
02:38 The Black Keys - Weight Of Love (39x) 4:28
04.12.2014., ceturtdiena
04:44 The Black Keys - It's Up To You Now (40x) 3:06

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