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Izpildītājs "Led Zeppelin"

Laiks Dziesma
20.12.2024., piektdiena
07:27 Led Zeppelin - Kashmir (5x) 8:09
08.04.2024., pirmdiena
19:45 Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven (19x) 7:58
19:40 Led Zeppelin - Ten Years Gone (2x) 6:24
05.01.2024., piektdiena
10:22 Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song (28x) 2:27
27.12.2023., trešdiena
09:30 Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song (27x) 2:27
20.12.2023., trešdiena
16:33 Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven (18x) 7:58
29.11.2023., trešdiena
21:33 Led Zeppelin - Fool In The Rain (2x) 6:11
21:32 Led Zeppelin - Kashmir (4x) 8:09
21:25 Led Zeppelin - Ten Years Gone 6:24
21:21 Led Zeppelin - Over the Hills and Far Away (5x) 4:44
21:21 Led Zeppelin - The Song Remains The Same 5:31
21:16 Led Zeppelin - Misty Mountain Hop 4:33
21:15 Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven (17x) 7:58
21:13 Led Zeppelin - Tangerine 2:45
21:11 Led Zeppelin - Bron-Y-Aur Stomp (2x) 4:16
21:07 Led Zeppelin - Heartbreaker 4:14
21:07 Led Zeppelin - You Shook Me (3x) 6:27
21:03 Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love (6x) 5:34
21:00 Led Zeppelin - Good Times Bad Times (2x) 2:41
13.10.2023., piektdiena
07:23 Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven (16x) 7:58
26.09.2023., otrdiena
19:35 Led Zeppelin - Bron-Y-Aur Stomp 4:16
07.09.2023., ceturtdiena
18:35 Led Zeppelin - The Lemon Song - Remaster 6:19
08.08.2023., otrdiena
11:39 Led Zeppelin - Fool In The Rain 6:11
24.05.2023., trešdiena
22:20 Led Zeppelin - Over the Hills and Far Away (4x) 4:44
23.03.2022., trešdiena
16:10 Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love (5x) 5:34
08.02.2022., otrdiena
17:09 Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love (4x) 5:34
21.01.2022., piektdiena
07:20 Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song (26x) 2:27
28.12.2021., otrdiena
13:53 Led Zeppelin - Babe I'm Gonna Leave You (2x) 6:42
21.12.2021., otrdiena
07:43 Led Zeppelin - Ramble On (2x) 4:34
22.11.2021., pirmdiena
17:33 Led Zeppelin - Rock and Roll (5x) 3:40
06.07.2021., otrdiena
21:17 Led Zeppelin - When The Levee Breaks 7:07
05.05.2021., trešdiena
15:41 Led Zeppelin - Rock and Roll (4x) 3:40
27.02.2021., sestdiena
13:34 Led Zeppelin - Song Remains The Same 5:32
24.01.2021., svētdiena
14:02 Led Zeppelin - Ramble On 4:34
29.12.2020., otrdiena
09:06 Led Zeppelin - Houses Of The Holy 4:04
22.12.2020., otrdiena
05:51 dod5-2020 Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven (15x) 7:58
13.12.2020., svētdiena
14:19 Led Zeppelin - Rock and Roll (3x) 3:40
06.12.2020., svētdiena
14:31 Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song (25x) 2:27
20.08.2020., ceturtdiena
14:22 Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song (24x) 2:27
10:15 Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love (3x) 5:34
30.04.2020., ceturtdiena
18:24 Led Zeppelin - You Shook Me (2x) 6:27
30.12.2019., pirmdiena
08:48 Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song (23x) 2:27
27.12.2019., piektdiena
15:30 Led Zeppelin - Thank You (4x) 4:44
22.12.2019., svētdiena
01:21 dod5-2019 Led Zeppelin - Babe I'm Gonna Leave You 6:42
21.12.2019., sestdiena
07:29 dod5-2019 Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love (2x) 5:34
05:39 dod5-2019 Led Zeppelin - Kashmir (3x) 8:09
17.12.2019., otrdiena
19:29 dod5-2019 Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven (14x) 7:58
17.12.2018., pirmdiena
22:24 dod5-2018 Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song (22x) 2:27
08.09.2018., sestdiena
17:23 Led Zeppelin - Trampled Under Foot (2x) 5:28
14.04.2018., sestdiena
16:56 Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love 5:34
17.03.2018., sestdiena
17:03 Led Zeppelin - Trampled Under Foot 5:28
05.02.2018., pirmdiena
11:08 Led Zeppelin - Rock and Roll (2x) 3:40
13.01.2018., sestdiena
17:49 Led Zeppelin - Kashmir (2x) 8:09
06.01.2018., sestdiena
18:18 Led Zeppelin - You Shook Me 6:27
30.12.2017., sestdiena
18:11 Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven (13x) 7:58
21.10.2017., sestdiena
19:36 Led Zeppelin - Thank You (3x) 4:44
10.06.2017., sestdiena
18:39 Led Zeppelin - Down by the Seaside (4x) 5:11
10.05.2017., trešdiena
08:18 Led Zeppelin - Rock and Roll 3:40
08:16 Led Zeppelin - Good Times Bad Times 2:41
08:13 Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song (21x) 2:27
28.01.2017., sestdiena
11:59 Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven (12x) 7:58
07.01.2017., sestdiena
18:18 Led Zeppelin - Going to California (2x) 3:20
30.12.2016., piektdiena
13:17 Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven (11x) 7:58
20.12.2016., otrdiena
00:12 dod5-2016 Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven (10x) 7:58
15.01.2016., piektdiena
16:38 Led Zeppelin - Kashmir 8:09
08.01.2016., piektdiena
08:23 Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song (20x) 2:27
30.12.2015., trešdiena
11:05 Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven (9x) 7:58
22.12.2015., otrdiena
04:01 dod5-2015 Led Zeppelin - Thank You (2x) 4:44
21.12.2015., pirmdiena
00:47 dod5-2015 Led Zeppelin - Going to California 3:20
19.12.2015., sestdiena
14:00 dod5-2015 Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven (8x) 7:58
18.12.2015., piektdiena
07:46 dod5-2015 Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven (7x) 7:58
02.10.2015., piektdiena
19:21 Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song (19x) 2:27
11.08.2015., otrdiena
12:54 Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song (18x) 2:27
21.07.2015., otrdiena
15:50 Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song (17x) 2:27
03.07.2015., piektdiena
12:16 Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song (16x) 2:27
18.06.2015., ceturtdiena
01:09 Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven (6x) 7:58
11.06.2015., ceturtdiena
05:31 Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song (15x) 2:27
31.05.2015., svētdiena
04:16 Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song (14x) 2:27
11.05.2015., pirmdiena
17:57 Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song (13x) 2:27
29.03.2015., svētdiena
22:42 Led Zeppelin - Over the Hills and Far Away (3x) 4:44
23.03.2015., pirmdiena
11:25 Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song (12x) 2:27
04.03.2015., trešdiena
07:08 Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song (11x) 2:27
26.02.2015., ceturtdiena
19:42 Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song (10x) 2:27
23.02.2015., pirmdiena
16:31 Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song (9x) 2:27
16.02.2015., pirmdiena
10:12 Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song (8x) 2:27
02.02.2015., pirmdiena
07:25 Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song (7x) 2:27
24.01.2015., sestdiena
20:51 Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song (6x) 2:27
11.01.2015., svētdiena
13:52 Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song (5x) 2:27
07.01.2015., trešdiena
07:39 Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song (4x) 2:27
31.12.2014., trešdiena
05:56 Led Zeppelin - Over the Hills and Far Away (2x) 4:44
30.12.2014., otrdiena
22:22 Led Zeppelin - Down by the Seaside (3x) 5:11
21:41 Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven (5x) 7:58
03:13 Led Zeppelin - Thank You 4:44
29.12.2014., pirmdiena
14:43 Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song (3x) 2:27
28.12.2014., svētdiena
07:20 Led Zeppelin - Down by the Seaside (2x) 5:11
27.12.2014., sestdiena
16:58 Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song (2x) 2:27
04:33 Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven (4x) 7:58
23.12.2014., otrdiena
15:29 dod5-2014 Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven (3x) 7:58
21.12.2014., svētdiena
15:31 dod5-2014 Led Zeppelin - Over the Hills and Far Away 4:44
20.12.2014., sestdiena
21:02 dod5-2014 Led Zeppelin - Down by the Seaside 5:11
10:03 dod5-2014 Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song 2:27
19.12.2014., piektdiena
23:30 dod5-2014 Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven (2x) 7:58
18.12.2014., ceturtdiena
02:51 dod5-2014 Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven 7:58

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