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Izpildītājs "Elton John"

Laiks Dziesma
26.12.2024., ceturtdiena
07:37 Elton John - Step Into Christmas (45x) 4:11
25.12.2024., trešdiena
17:47 Elton John - Step Into Christmas (44x) 4:11
05:47 Elton John - Step Into Christmas (43x) 4:11
24.12.2024., otrdiena
15:51 Elton John - Step Into Christmas (42x) 4:11
04:49 Elton John - Step Into Christmas (41x) 4:11
22.12.2024., svētdiena
14:26 Elton John - Rocket Man (I Think It's Going to Be a Long, Long Time) (9x) 4:45
02:14 Elton John - Step Into Christmas (40x) 4:11
21.12.2024., sestdiena
12:07 Elton John - Step Into Christmas (39x) 4:11
20.12.2024., piektdiena
14:45 Elton John - Rocket Man (I Think It's Going to Be a Long, Long Time) (8x) 4:45
05:22 Elton John - Step Into Christmas (38x) 4:11
19.12.2024., ceturtdiena
15:23 Elton John - I'm Still Standing (17x) 3:03
06.09.2024., piektdiena
14:05 Elton John - Rocket Man (I Think It's Going to Be a Long, Long Time) (7x) 4:45
28.07.2024., svētdiena
11:28 Elton John - Your Song (20x) 4:05
15.07.2024., pirmdiena
10:42 Elton John - I'm Still Standing (16x) 3:03
13.07.2024., sestdiena
14:24 Elton John - Are You Ready for Love (6x) 3:30
11.07.2024., ceturtdiena
15:55 Elton John - Can You Feel The Love Tonight (6x) 3:54
08.07.2024., pirmdiena
15:08 Elton John - Rocket Man (I Think It's Going to Be a Long, Long Time) (6x) 4:45
15.06.2024., sestdiena
10:25 Elton John - Your Song (19x) 4:05
24.05.2024., piektdiena
07:56 Elton John - I'm Still Standing (15x) 3:03
30.04.2024., otrdiena
19:34 Elton John - Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest (3x) 3:42
20.04.2024., sestdiena
09:51 Elton John - Your Song (18x) 4:05
03.04.2024., trešdiena
14:29 Elton John - Sails 3:37
25.03.2024., pirmdiena
07:22 Elton John - I'm Still Standing (14x) 3:03
22.03.2024., piektdiena
12:50 Elton John - Rocket Man (6x) 4:42
05.03.2024., otrdiena
08:52 Elton John - I'm Still Standing (13x) 3:03
12.02.2024., pirmdiena
11:51 Elton John - Your Song (17x) 4:05
10.02.2024., sestdiena
11:58 Elton John - Your Song (16x) 4:05
05.02.2024., pirmdiena
14:18 Elton John - I'm Still Standing (12x) 3:03
04.02.2024., svētdiena
11:34 Elton John - Your Song (15x) 4:05
03.02.2024., sestdiena
11:07 Elton John - Your Song (14x) 4:05
18.01.2024., ceturtdiena
13:07 Elton John - I'm Still Standing (11x) 3:03
27.12.2023., trešdiena
20:13 Elton John - Have Mercy On The Criminal 5:52
26.12.2023., otrdiena
06:15 Elton John - Step Into Christmas (37x) 4:11
25.12.2023., pirmdiena
18:46 Elton John - Step Into Christmas (36x) 4:11
03:14 Elton John - Step Into Christmas (35x) 4:11
24.12.2023., svētdiena
17:26 Elton John - Step Into Christmas (34x) 4:11
04:39 Elton John - Step Into Christmas (33x) 4:11
23.12.2023., sestdiena
15:44 Elton John - Step Into Christmas (32x) 4:11
03:32 Elton John - Step Into Christmas (31x) 4:11
22.12.2023., piektdiena
17:44 Elton John - Your Song (13x) 4:05
02:15 Elton John - Step Into Christmas (30x) 4:11
20.12.2023., trešdiena
14:01 Elton John - Tiny Dancer (5x) 6:10
17.12.2023., svētdiena
13:55 Elton John - Rocket Man (I Think It's Going to Be a Long, Long Time) (5x) 4:45
16.12.2023., sestdiena
09:18 Elton John - I'm Still Standing (10x) 3:03
08:05 Elton John - Circle of Life (5x) 4:53
14.12.2023., ceturtdiena
13:04 Elton John - I'm Still Standing (9x) 3:03
08.11.2023., trešdiena
18:24 Elton John - Crocodile Rock (4x) 3:41
12.09.2023., otrdiena
20:22 Elton John - Carla / Etude / Fanfare / Chloe 10:44
08.08.2023., otrdiena
15:53 Elton John - Candle in the Wind (3x) 3:51
22.04.2023., sestdiena
21:41 Elton John - Nikita 5:37
05.04.2023., trešdiena
22:18 Elton John - Crocodile Rock (3x) 3:41
15.03.2023., trešdiena
22:25 Elton John - I'm Still Standing (8x) 3:03
04.04.2022., pirmdiena
10:57 Elton John - Sacrifice (30x) 4:56
03.04.2022., svētdiena
15:43 Elton John - Sacrifice (29x) 4:56
02.04.2022., sestdiena
07:41 Elton John - Sacrifice (28x) 4:56
01.04.2022., piektdiena
15:34 Elton John - Are You Ready for Love (5x) 3:30
30.03.2022., trešdiena
15:27 Elton John - Sacrifice (27x) 4:56
29.03.2022., otrdiena
14:56 Elton John - Sacrifice (26x) 4:56
28.03.2022., pirmdiena
21:51 Elton John - Learn To Fly (14x) 3:29
19:28 Elton John - Sacrifice (25x) 4:56
09:56 Elton John - Sacrifice (24x) 4:56
26.03.2022., sestdiena
07:39 Elton John - Sacrifice (23x) 4:56
25.03.2022., piektdiena
13:08 Elton John - I'm Still Standing (7x) 3:03
10:57 Elton John - Sacrifice (22x) 4:56
24.03.2022., ceturtdiena
11:31 Elton John - Sacrifice (21x) 4:56
22.03.2022., otrdiena
20:50 Elton John - Sacrifice (20x) 4:56
20.03.2022., svētdiena
18:15 Elton John - Sacrifice (19x) 4:56
16:40 Elton John - Sacrifice (18x) 4:56
18.03.2022., piektdiena
13:37 Elton John - Sacrifice (17x) 4:56
17.03.2022., ceturtdiena
05:37 Elton John - Sacrifice (16x) 4:56
15.03.2022., otrdiena
14:35 Elton John - Sacrifice (15x) 4:56
09:56 Elton John - Sacrifice (14x) 4:56
14.03.2022., pirmdiena
22:20 Elton John - Sacrifice (13x) 4:56
13.03.2022., svētdiena
19:26 Elton John - Sacrifice (12x) 4:56
12:40 Elton John - Sacrifice (11x) 4:56
12.03.2022., sestdiena
07:42 Elton John - Sacrifice (10x) 4:56
10.03.2022., ceturtdiena
15:32 Elton John - Sacrifice (9x) 4:56
09.03.2022., trešdiena
11:56 Elton John - Sacrifice (8x) 4:56
07.03.2022., pirmdiena
14:30 Elton John - Sacrifice (7x) 4:56
06.03.2022., svētdiena
19:35 Elton John - Sacrifice (6x) 4:56
16:37 Elton John - Sacrifice (5x) 4:56
05.03.2022., sestdiena
07:41 Elton John - Sacrifice (4x) 4:56
26.12.2021., svētdiena
14:45 Elton John - Step Into Christmas (29x) 4:11
25.12.2021., sestdiena
12:21 Elton John - Step Into Christmas (28x) 4:11
24.12.2021., piektdiena
05:52 Elton John - Step Into Christmas (27x) 4:11
23.12.2021., ceturtdiena
22:50 Elton John - Rocket Man (I Think It's Going to Be a Long, Long Time) (4x) 4:45
22.12.2021., trešdiena
21:58 Elton John - Rocket Man (I Think It's Going to Be a Long, Long Time) (3x) 4:45
01.09.2021., trešdiena
17:17 Elton John - Rocket Man (5x) 4:42
15.02.2021., pirmdiena
15:36 Elton John - I'm Still Standing (6x) 3:03
30.12.2020., trešdiena
14:19 Elton John - I'm Still Standing (5x) 3:03
11:35 Elton John - Are You Ready for Love (4x) 3:30
29.12.2020., otrdiena
11:48 Elton John - Candle in the Wind (2x) 3:51
28.12.2020., pirmdiena
12:38 Elton John - Can You Feel The Love Tonight (5x) 3:54
26.12.2020., sestdiena
08:21 Elton John - Step Into Christmas (26x) 4:11
25.12.2020., piektdiena
11:10 Elton John - Step Into Christmas (25x) 4:11
24.12.2020., ceturtdiena
13:46 Elton John - Step Into Christmas (24x) 4:11
23.12.2020., trešdiena
18:54 dod5-2020 Elton John - Your Song (12x) 4:05
21.12.2020., pirmdiena
10:00 dod5-2020 Elton John - Tiny Dancer (4x) 6:10
20.12.2020., svētdiena
10:24 dod5-2020 Elton John - Rocket Man (I Think It's Going to Be a Long, Long Time) (2x) 4:45
15.12.2020., otrdiena
08:44 Elton John - Step Into Christmas (23x) 4:11
20.11.2020., piektdiena
06:13 Elton John - Crocodile Rock (2x) 3:41
22.10.2020., ceturtdiena
15:38 Elton John - Your Song (11x) 4:05
07.08.2020., piektdiena
07:35 Elton John - I'm Still Standing (4x) 3:03
29.06.2020., pirmdiena
16:36 Elton John - Learn To Fly (13x) 3:29
26.06.2020., piektdiena
16:21 Elton John - Learn To Fly (12x) 3:29
25.06.2020., ceturtdiena
12:39 Elton John - Learn To Fly (11x) 3:29
24.06.2020., trešdiena
20:29 Elton John - Learn To Fly (10x) 3:29
11:01 Elton John - Learn To Fly (9x) 3:29
23.06.2020., otrdiena
19:01 Elton John - Learn To Fly (8x) 3:29
08:47 Elton John - Learn To Fly (7x) 3:29
22.06.2020., pirmdiena
18:01 Elton John - Learn To Fly (6x) 3:29
08:49 Elton John - Learn To Fly (5x) 3:29
19.06.2020., piektdiena
13:21 Elton John - Learn To Fly (4x) 3:29
18.06.2020., ceturtdiena
11:08 Elton John - Learn To Fly (3x) 3:29
17.06.2020., trešdiena
21:00 Elton John - Learn To Fly (2x) 3:29
15.06.2020., pirmdiena
19:05 Elton John - Learn To Fly 3:29
17.04.2020., piektdiena
11:14 Elton John - Rocket Man (I Think It's Going to Be a Long, Long Time) 4:45
04.04.2020., sestdiena
17:45 Elton John - Can You Feel The Love Tonight (4x) 3:54
09.03.2020., pirmdiena
21:15 Elton John - Rocket Man (4x) 4:42
25.01.2020., sestdiena
17:14 Elton John - Blessed (2x) 4:51
30.12.2019., pirmdiena
08:20 Elton John - Circle of Life (4x) 4:53
26.12.2019., ceturtdiena
04:25 Elton John - Step Into Christmas (22x) 4:11
25.12.2019., trešdiena
22:23 Elton John - Step Into Christmas (21x) 4:11
01:39 Elton John - Step Into Christmas (20x) 4:11
23.12.2019., pirmdiena
23:50 Elton John - Step Into Christmas (19x) 4:11
22.12.2019., svētdiena
18:17 dod5-2019 Elton John - Your Song (10x) 4:05
20.12.2019., piektdiena
21:21 dod5-2019 Elton John - Are You Ready for Love (3x) 3:30
18.12.2019., trešdiena
01:20 dod5-2019 Elton John - I Want Love 4:37
30.12.2018., svētdiena
11:19 Elton John - Rocket Man (3x) 4:42
26.12.2018., trešdiena
14:16 Elton John - Step Into Christmas (18x) 4:11
25.12.2018., otrdiena
18:16 Elton John - Step Into Christmas (17x) 4:11
24.12.2018., pirmdiena
15:36 Elton John - Step Into Christmas (16x) 4:11
19.12.2018., trešdiena
11:34 dod5-2018 Elton John - Tiny Dancer (3x) 6:10
18.12.2018., otrdiena
10:35 dod5-2018 Elton John - Rocket Man (2x) 4:42
03:06 dod5-2018 Elton John - Blessed 4:51
17.12.2018., pirmdiena
21:41 dod5-2018 Elton John - Can You Feel The Love Tonight (3x) 3:54
09.12.2018., svētdiena
07:05 Elton John - Step Into Christmas (15x) 4:11
08.09.2018., sestdiena
18:31 Elton John - Tiny Dancer (2x) 6:10
13.01.2018., sestdiena
17:22 Elton John - I'm Still Standing (3x) 3:03
30.12.2017., sestdiena
19:28 Elton John - I'm Still Standing (2x) 3:03
29.12.2017., piektdiena
15:58 Elton John - I'm Still Standing 3:03
26.12.2017., otrdiena
15:47 Elton John - Step Into Christmas (14x) 4:11
25.12.2017., pirmdiena
19:45 Elton John - Step Into Christmas (13x) 4:11
24.12.2017., svētdiena
23:48 Elton John - Step Into Christmas (12x) 4:11
03:42 Elton John - Step Into Christmas (11x) 4:11
18.12.2017., pirmdiena
05:17 dod5-2017 Elton John - Tiny Dancer 6:10
09.10.2017., pirmdiena
08:19 Elton John - Crocodile Rock 3:41
10.09.2017., svētdiena
20:24 Elton John - My Father's Gun 6:15
05.08.2017., sestdiena
18:36 Elton John - Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest (2x) 3:42
26.12.2016., pirmdiena
14:45 Elton John - Step Into Christmas (10x) 4:11
25.12.2016., svētdiena
18:40 Elton John - Step Into Christmas (9x) 4:11
24.12.2016., sestdiena
22:31 Elton John - Step Into Christmas (8x) 4:11
02:11 Elton John - Step Into Christmas (7x) 4:11
21.12.2016., trešdiena
23:25 Elton John - Rocket Man 4:42
20.12.2016., otrdiena
10:46 dod5-2016 Elton John - Circle of Life (3x) 4:53
05:20 dod5-2016 Elton John - Candle in the Wind 3:51
18.02.2016., ceturtdiena
16:28 Elton John - Circle of Life (2x) 4:53
14.02.2016., svētdiena
11:29 Elton John - Are You Ready for Love (2x) 3:30
09.02.2016., otrdiena
13:27 Elton John - Your Song (9x) 4:05
02.01.2016., sestdiena
19:42 Elton John - Sacrifice (3x) 4:56
28.12.2015., pirmdiena
15:09 Elton John - Your Song (8x) 4:05
26.12.2015., sestdiena
05:21 Elton John - Step Into Christmas (6x) 4:11
25.12.2015., piektdiena
09:07 Elton John - Step Into Christmas (5x) 4:11
24.12.2015., ceturtdiena
04:24 Elton John - Step Into Christmas (4x) 4:11
22.12.2015., otrdiena
20:46 dod5-2015 Elton John - Your Song (7x) 4:05
21.12.2015., pirmdiena
16:06 dod5-2015 Elton John - Can You Feel The Love Tonight (2x) 3:54
31.10.2015., sestdiena
19:09 Elton John - Are You Ready for Love 3:30
21.07.2015., otrdiena
08:55 Elton John - Your Song (6x) 4:05
31.03.2015., otrdiena
16:53 Elton John - Made In England (2x) 4:25
28.03.2015., sestdiena
17:49 Elton John - Sacrifice (2x) 4:56
03.03.2015., otrdiena
14:27 Elton John - Your Song (5x) 4:05
18.01.2015., svētdiena
13:39 Elton John - Your Song (4x) 4:05
03.01.2015., sestdiena
22:20 Elton John - Your Song (3x) 4:05
30.12.2014., otrdiena
06:47 Elton John - Your Song (2x) 4:05
26.12.2014., piektdiena
07:08 Elton John - Step Into Christmas (3x) 4:11
25.12.2014., ceturtdiena
02:09 Elton John - Step Into Christmas (2x) 4:11
23.12.2014., otrdiena
23:54 Elton John - Step Into Christmas 4:11
10:25 dod5-2014 Elton John - Your Song 4:05
02:57 dod5-2014 Elton John - Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest 3:42
22.11.2014., sestdiena
12:23 Elton John - Circle of Life 4:53
13.09.2014., sestdiena
13:46 Elton John - Can You Feel The Love Tonight 3:54
12.07.2014., sestdiena
12:00 Elton John - Sacrifice 4:56
14.06.2014., sestdiena
12:46 Elton John - Made In England 4:25

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